Rigged systems

Rigged systems

Wall Streets rigged

financial system

the pistons

and cogs

a well oiled machine filled with smog.

A joke, quantitive easing

pleasing the rich

tax breaks and evasion


for white Caucasians.

The system will never benefit

people on dole

losing their soul,

or the disabled

hide your ableism

and stable rules

for this worlds justice

is injustice

and we are fools.

Kitted out with system

that resists change

new world order

shift of power to billionaires

we just churn out blank stares.

Charity the modern guise

death of belief, no god, or surprise

so there is only being famous or rich

To aspire, the death of independence

Set fire to books teaching socialism

or different ways for society

its rigged,

and it’s too late to learn other ways to live.

As propaganda spouts over media

seedier than other lies spouted forth

we won’t be heard over fake news’s discourse,

the ones who shape our lives the 1%

will enslave the 99

and in the system will be written the rules

that enslave us fools

for the internet which was promised to set knowledge free

we lead to down fall of the majority

who data has been mined

and undermined

for all to see,

And we still won’t acknowledge a rigged system of humanity.

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