
A tether

not made of leather

binds us together

electric second sight

an angel wings sings of flight

you have a halo you can’t see

though it burns in my eyes

I spy, it weighs you down

but it makes you beautiful it’s your crown

dutifully fighting for what’s right

Our minds collide and I see into void

between us

but it’s our souls entwined

yours and mine

That make bells chime

stars align

signs I swallow

but I will follow your words Sophia

Goddess of wisdom

light of the soul

you understand my darkness

and my light

I see your face inside my mind.

Affirmation for growth

If you give me love

I will give you friendship

if you give me respect

I will be your mirror

if you forgive my faults

I will catapult my soul towards you

if you treat me with compassion

I will fight for you

If you trust me I will grasp your hand

and I will understand

if you give me your time

I will reveal my secrets

if your kindness reaches my heart

I will repay with honesty

all the luck penny’s you wished

when flicking them down the well.